Savvy Geeks
Savvy Geeks
CB-Musings Episode 117: Marvel's Biggest Flop Surprised Me
The second to last movie!
I liked this movie so im shocked it did so bad..
Movie #32 = The Marvels (2023)
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And then there were two. We are down to the final two movies in our MCU rewatch. That's right. Overall the whole year. We've been watching the MCU. Over at savvy geeks and I'm so excited to beginning to the end. I love all these films. And different ways at different levels, different reasons, but I've loved all of them. I'm just happy to beginning towards Danny. Cause it's a lot, it's a lot of movies to watch. And the truth is. The impressive thing is, I mean, Most of them have been. Very successful. There's only been one. And that's the one we're here to talk about today that is truly bombed. And I mean, like, It is the worst. By far. Box office run of any MCU movie. That movie. Is the marvels. Which is what we're here to talk about today. I'm mark savvy savvy. So excited to talk to about the models. I that's right. I am excited to talk to you about the marvels. I can't believe it did so poorly. The budget of it was$374 million, but I believe they got a tax credit in the UK for filming there. Let please let me know in the comments, if that's the case. And how much it was the box office, though with absolutely horrid.$206 million at the box office. That's wild. I can't believe how bad it did. I have this little exit from Wikipedia puck news reported that the film needed to earn around$700 million to become profitable. Wow. That's a big number. They had to catch. Deadline Hollywood calculated the net losses of the film to be 237 million. Dollars. That's really bad. The crazy thing for me personally. I liked it way better than captain Marvel. Way better. And captain Marvel absolutely crushed it at the box. Box office. They did over a billion dollars. Over a billion dollars. Granted the budget for that film was way less at 175 million. I can't for the life of me, figure out why this movie did so much worse. Maybe it had something to do with people are starting to lose faith in, um, The MCU, maybe it's linked to do with the fact that a lot of people didn't really feel like seeing miss Marvel. I don't know, but as a female. superhero team-up film. I thought it was incredible. The three core characters were. Monica Rambo who most of you know, from Wanda vision. You have, um, Amman. Ms. Marvel, by the way, Mr. Valon is from Markham. So shout out to her. She's she's awesome. So you had her. Uh, you'd have to wash some Ms. Marvel, as I said, and then you had captain Marvel, which. Uh, you know, her from the previous movie. All the, all those characters. Absolutely. I crushed it in this film. And I really thought that we got to see a lot more. Personality out of captain Marvel, so she was great. Full-time was a really good emotional photon. She wasn't called Fulton yet. Um, Monica Rambo was one of my favorite. Characters introduced in this Disney plus TV show era. She was, uh, the emotional heartbeat of the film. I didn't need you to be captain Marvel. I need you to be my aunt Cairo. Like that was incredible. So good. And then you have Imana Valani who, and I'm not sugarcoating it. When I say this. Ilan Valani in the MCU. Is more passionate than any other person introduced in this new phase of shows slash movies. Um, they're all passionate. They all love it, but this girl. Did a comic for Ms. Marvel, can you name any other people that have done that in DC or Marvel? No, she loved the character. She's so hyped. To be in this universe. She's also arguing with Kevin FYGI about what earth. Earth. Uh, the MCU takes place in like she's passionate about the role and. Like, she's not even acting like her character in the movie was all hyped and excited to be in that. Uh, university and interacting with her idols. In Mount Valani is the same thing. You could totally sensor enthusiasm for the character. And it shows. I didn't really feel anything for the velvet. Like, I dunno who cares? I didn't let my wife watched the film with me when. Uh, just now when I rewatched it, Uh, for the first time she really liked the singing planet. I didn't really care for it, but she loves musicals. I don't, I haven't seen wicked people. I'm sorry. I haven't seen wicked. I'll see a one day just to make her happy. One day. I'll see it when she gets mad at me for something I'll be like, okay, I'm sorry. Let's go see wicked. And then she'll stop being that. I'm sure it'll happen eventually. But yeah, like, I don't know, like the villain wasn't too great that. I like the characters themselves. And I thought the acting was pretty good. But the villain is such an important. Linchpin in these movies and. Although I love the acting of the villain. I forget her name. I know she's married to. Tom Huddleston by I forget her name. I apologize. She did a really good job acting the role. But I just didn't feel the character. And I felt at the end, she kind of just died. Out of nowhere, like, it's just like, oh, I'm just going to disappear. Didn't really care for it. I thought it was so cool. How, um, Monica Rambo ended up in the Fox universe that was sick. I just don't know where I try not to think about too much about how this leads into other things, because I don't, I don't really think the MCU is too cohesive right now. So I'm just going to not focus on what that could mean in the future. I want to focus on this film. I thought. Nick fury was a little funnier than we S. We are used to seeing him. And I don't know if I like it. But I got some laughs out of it. Again, Carol Danvers, Brie Larson was at her best. This was her best ever. Appearance as captain Marvel. She absolutely nailed the role. And w because maybe people like the serious stoic superhero. I like my superheroes to be funny. To build, make jokes, you know? I liked them to personality and she definitely. Had that in spades, this film. The action scenes were epic. The visuals that their powers are so cinematic and beautiful, the light powers that they have. And how they interchange between each other when they were switching. That was a really cool action sequences. The marvels as a whole had so many. Positive, so many good things about it. But, but none of them were absolutely exceptional, like in a way that I felt they could vault them ahead of some of the other. Um, movies that I liked, for example, internals might not have got the best reviews, but what they did well, they did beautifully. So like it, what I mean is the negatives of the film. We're kind of pushed aside a bit. By the positives, like the things that did well were that much better than the things that did poorly. And then you have the top. Uh, movies in the MCU, like gardens the galaxy gone through recovered last week, where they had really no weak points. So that's I that's just me trying to put in your head. Why. The marvels as low as I have it. Definitely better than captain Marvel. Definitely better than love and thunder, but those are the only films I can say. I like definitive that I like the morals definitively more than which is why have it at 32. I have it at 31 in our MCU power rankings. That's right. It's low, but I did really like it so much better than captain Marvel. So much better. I know people are going to think the opposite. Like, look how shit the. Uh, box offices. I still can't believe it did that bat. I'm blown away by how there's gotta be some shit behind that. I don't know what the hell is going on. I got to do some research of why it did so poorly. But like, yeah. It needed 700 million. To make its money back. I don't know if Hollywood report is accurate there, but if that's the case, like they were doomed from the start because I could. I see this as like a solid$500 million movie, you know, like it's a good time. It's not going to crush it. But it's going to do good enough. The budget was too high for this film. Unfortunately, I don't know how they got to bring these budgets down. Uh, quantum mania is budget and the Marvel's budget. Absolutely ridiculous. They have to figure that out. Hey. But guess what? Let's switch gears for a second. We are down to the last movie in our MCU rewatch. I know I should trademark that. One movie left after this. And the movie. Deadpool new mover. Something I've been waiting. It feels like my whole life for, I was so excited for that film. And I'm so excited to watch it again. That episode is going to come out on new year's day, January 1st. And it's going to kick off. It's going to be the finale, I guess you should say to season four of savvy geeks. It's been such a great year and I'm going to so much. Amazing positive things to say about everybody that is supporting, but we'll say that for the finale episode. Tune in tomorrow, two days, I guess, for that episode. So excited to talk Deadpool over it, and so excited to share my love and appreciation to you all in our next episode of savvy geeks. I'm your host, mark savvy, and I'll see you then.