Savvy Geeks
Savvy Geeks
CB-Musings Episode 116: A Perfect Goodbye
Final 3 movies in our MCU rewatch
An emotional goodbye to for your favourite team....
Movie #32 = Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3(2023)
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I cannot believe we are finally here. That's right. We are into our last three movies and our MCU rewatch, and it's been a long year. I've watched a lot of Marvel and I've had, I gotta be honest. I have a little bit of burnout from it. But. There's been so many bangers that it's been a good burnout. Well, we're on two now. Is what I would call the best soundtrack. Of any franchise. Have any superhero movie? That's garden to the galaxy. From one to three. There has been no misses in those soundtracks. It's just absolute bangers. I thought the music was such a perfect companion to the guardians. It's a painting, a picture of who the guardians are. And. And giving us that guardians of the galaxy vibe. You know what I mean? Like all these songs are. Really big hits, but I guarantee you, the newer generation will go back and listen to some of these tracks. And think of guardians of the galaxy. Like when you hear dat dat dat, dat, dat, dat, dat, dat, dat, dat. Hey. Hey. What. You're going to think. Guardians. A lot. A lot of the younger generation. I mean, it will think guardians and that's like a pretty big deal that they were able to do that. Jackson five. Like, if you were going to associate the Jackson five track with, um, guardians now, too, I got all three guardians vinyls. As a Christmas present. That's so much. I love the soundtrack. It's just such a great volume three. Is. What we'll be talking about today, obviously, and it is such a good ending to the trilogy. When I look back on the best trilogies of the MCU, I think captain America. And I think guardians of the galaxy as the best trilogies. Like I'm looking back, like Ironman was okay. It wasn't as good. The Spiderman one is up there, but I put captain America and guardians ahead of the Spider-Man trilogy, even though the third one was one of the best Spider-Man movies. Uh, ant man, obviously not Thor now. Th those are all good movies and good franchises, but I really put these two ones in particular as the best. The thing with guardians is I think, I don't know. You let me know in the comments because I'm not as avid of a comic book readers. Most of my listeners are. But I feel like guardians of the galaxy weren't as big of a deal. Until James Gunn took over. You know, put a volume on, but now everybody loves them. Everyone loves Groot. Everyone has a baby Crute stuffy, probably. I don't know. Probably. It's just become such a even Ironman. I don't even think there's so many characters in the MC there are secondary characters that. The MCU kind of put on the map. Ironman less Silva guardians for sure. And let me know, please let me know in the comments, if you, if that's not correct, because I don't know for sure, but it feels like that's the case. I can't wait to see who he does that. W cause James Gunn now who helmed the three tra. The three guardians movies. He's now running the creative side of DCU. Just create us, just helping with the stories, the overarching. Um, world of there or overarching story as well, along with the isolated stories is what I mean. I wonder which small characters he's going to take and make well-known and beloved like he did with the guardians, maybe creature commandos is that I haven't seen creature commandos yet, but it's on my list for sure. The only thing. If I had to put one small critique to this film, It would be, I don't love how Gomorrah was handled. I think James Gunn did a great job in volume three. But I feel like he was caught throwing a curve ball with the Avengers film, and he just kind of had to like, Figure out a way to deal with it. But narratively, it would have been better if she was just there and they had this cute love store. The way the guardians ended was. So beautiful. They were all, I think. They all ended where they were supposed to Peter's back home on earth. Tracks, always it T I teared up when. Mantis was like, you're not drugs to destroy your Drax. The father. Oh, this film, I was going to get a 4k steel book of guardians three. But then I thought to myself, like, I don't think I can rewatch this a lot because I'm a really big animal person. And some of the themes depicted in volume three were hard to watch, although they are perfectly done to the story. But seeing all those animals, the way they were tortured. That was really, really hard to watch. I think Peter gave James gum props for putting that on the screen. Uh, what else liked Drax was Jackson's a little bit. Here's a little bit understated in this movie. Like he didn't have as big of a role as I'm. Used to him having, but whenever he had screen time, he nailed it. He was so funny. And Hey, we've got a holiday special audit, which is like basically a. Uh, 40 minute tracks episode, right? Group was at the height of his powers group was so Opie in this film. Just flying around doing crazy stuff. Then you had, uh, what's his name? Adam warlock. Who was so funny and also Opie. You've got high evolutionary, who was a great villain. Excellent villain. I'm. I'm going to butcher your name. So I'm just going to keep calling your high evolutionary. Cosmo. Cosmo was so funny. I'm just naming all these characters that I slept. Cosmo was so good. Uh, he actually had a few people from. Uh, the DC that he brought over for this. Cause you had, um, what's her name? Uhura. Sarah. Who's the girl, when they were going that organic planet, she was the rat lady. You had high evolutionary who was in peacemakers as well. You had Nathan filling was in the suicide squad. Wait. Linda Cardellino was in this one. What. Oh, no way. Linda Coeurdalene played Laila. That's so cute. Lyla was probably. Oh, the saddest. Character that I've come across in MCU. I couldn't believe. How much. How do I say this? I cried. I cried so much drink cartons. Three. I had happy tears. I had sad tears. It was just a movie full of tears. Tears call it gardens of the galaxy volume tiers. That's how much we all cried. I could go in so many different directions, but I only have 10 minutes. I'm trying to keep it toward typical timeframe. The main characters were excellent. The supporting cast were perfectly done. You had Cosmo with the humor. You had Craig Lynn who had some good dynamics with Cosmo mantis was so funny. Drax hilarious group was great Nebula. Awesome Gomorrah, even though she was kind of put in an awkward spot. Excellent. Uh, storyline. How did this movie do at the box office is what I really want to know. I'm pulling up the numbers right now. Okay. Just for the record. This movie, in my opinion, I feel like I have a blind spot for CGI that I can't tell when it's bad. But I feel like guardians of the galaxy Von three was excellent. Like the CGI, the visuals were amazing. I know it was almost half the budget of quantum mania,$250 million budget. And by the way, It crushed at the box office$845 million on a$250 million budget. That's a great powerful box office. Loved. I just loved this film. I could talk for hours about how much I love the entire guardians of the galaxy franchise. If I had to. Put into words. For cause this is it. Peace out grind. Just like that was the last app, man. This is probably the last. Guardians. At least last gardens in this version because you have rocket and grew in all those guys, but I don't think it's going to be the same. But if I had to summarize. This trilogy and. How to best describe it? You know, I would say music. So much heart. So much humor. Yeah, those are the three pillars that the guardians franchise. Stands on humor. Music heart. Now, where does the guardians movie land and our MCU power rankings. That's right. Each week we've been ranking the movies as we go through them. I'm going to put. Guardians of the galaxy volume three. I've said that so many times. At number 14 in our MCU power rankings. So number 14. We're 32 movies in, and this guardians film comes in at number four. The next movie we're covering. Is much better than its, uh, its predecessor, but I don't know if it's going to get to these Heights. We'll be the marvels. I'm your host, mark savvy. I'll see you next time when we cover the marvels.