Savvy Geeks
Savvy Geeks
CB-Musings Episode 115: The Last Ant-Man
In the final stretch of our MCU rewatch
Quite possibly the last Ant-Man movie....
Movie #31 = Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
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I have a question for you guys. Is there something in your life that you really enjoy? And you find yourself at odds with a lot of people who don't see it the same way as you, that could be music that could be food or could be in this case. A movie. Mark savvy savvy geeks here to talk to you about quantum mania. Now, I don't think I'm the only person that liked the movie. I think a lot of people did enjoy it. But what I'm talking about specifically is MODOK. So many people hated MODOK and I do not agree. I thought MODOK was so funny. That's on king. So many people are going to stop listening right here because of all the good things. I'm going to say about MODOK to kick it off, but I thought Murdoch was so funny and. The one marijuana, one scene where he's like, Uh, or, um, where she's like, oh, stop being a D a D works. I don't want to swear. Stop being a D word. And he's like, but I can. Look at me. I'm such a D word. That was so funny and also. I don't know what people expected the CGI to look. If you're not know what MODOK is. That's what MODOK is. Yeah, his face is all stupid and it's in this little tiny thing, but yeah, Mona is a ridiculous character. Newsflash people were talking about a guy from Charles ants. It's reasonable to expect someone ridiculous looking to be in his movie. And to S. And also like, I really liked ant man, the third ant man. And I liked the other two as well. I don't know, I just don't get the hate for this film. I thought it was so funny and the stakes were so high. Like I thought the quantum realm was so cool the way they explained it and how we all explored it. I thought Kang, the conquer was a bad-ass villain. Jonathan majors absolutely crushed it as Kang. The conqueror. I really wish they just recasted like, dang son, just recast. Um, it's too important of a character. The way they kind of pivoted in the MCU. Uh, some people were saying is due to the failure of this film. Uh, all obviously a lot of it's to the personal issues that Jonathan majors faced. But regardless, like pivoting from Kang was a stupid decision. He was so good in this movie. He was so good in Loki season two. Absolutely amazing villain. I just wish we saw more of him. He could have totally been the big, bad. Why are you going to do Dr. Doom for, I liked Dr. Doom, but I don't want it to be the big, bad king was perfectly set up to be that character. To have that role. I mean, What, uh, stood out for me the most in quantum mania was the dynamic of the hope. The van dine and the Lang family, like that was a really good diet and dynamic. Uh, I didn't really like. Uh, vaginally as haircut in this film, to be honest. Oh, whatever, just a haircut who cares as a character. Hope van Dyne was amazing. Cassie all grown up was so good.
Microphone (2- USB Audio CODEC )-3:Throughout the whole ant man, Chelsea 1, 2, 3. I always thought Cassie, to be a character that brought out this innate goodness and Scott, she was the heart of. Of the ant man franchise, really from when she was a little kid to now a grown up. Such a strong character and so important to, uh, the mortality of Scott, you know, Isn't it pretty awesome how they had Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfeiffer. In their franchise, the ant mad franchise. Yeah, I call it a franchise, but honestly, I feel like we've seen the end of the franchise, which is pretty sad. I'm sure Cassie will come back when they do a young Avengers. But unfortunately, The S. The movie did not do well. It bombed. That's the reality ant man. Hitman quantum mania absolutely bombed. And I think that means that that will be the last we see of Scott Lang and his own movie. I have the rotten tomato scores, which I don't typically do. I don't usually mention the scores. It's just not, I mean, who really cares honestly, but, uh, it's important in the context of this because of this discussion. I mean, uh, because ant man got a 46. Percent. Critic score, which is very rare for a Marvel film. They usually do well. However, the audience score. Did 82%. So I think majority of people felt the same as me, which was, this is a really. Good movie. Fun movie. I use the word fun a lot. Cause fun. Doesn't always mean quality. Sometimes you can really enjoy something, but as a movie itself, it's not like it's Oscar worthy. You know what I mean? Um, but. At the end of the day. Studios do not. Care about scores, rotten tomato scores, I'm DB scores. That just doesn't matter them. What they care about is the numbers. The that green, how, how have they. Whole my God. How has the movie done? That was my reaction to the budget. As a whole. I can't believe this has gotta be the highest. Budget. And any MCU movie. So Ammon and the wasp quantum mania had a$388 million budget. Are you out of your mind? That's the budget you put on this film. What is wrong with you? These budgets have to come down because this is absolutely ridiculous. You're telling me that this movie. Was almost as expensive as Avengers end game. The culmination of an entire. Era of Marvel. You guys have lost the pot. That's ridiculous. You've got to completely change that. I cannot believe how much that budget was. It did decent at the box office. I consider$476 million decent. Okay. This maybe shouldn't have been like 200. Come on. This is ridiculous. I I'm, I'm like actually in disbelief at how much. That movie costs. Holy crap. I think I can say crap. I'm trying not to like flag this as like, you know, swear words when I did the video. Hey, you know, It's too bad that we're not going to get any more at man movies. Th I think they, they sh they could have totally recalibrated and done better. Next time. These movies and movies specifically should be like hundred. 50, maybe million dollar budgets. Like it should be way better than that. That's ridiculous. Well, I mean, it still is pretty decent. Uh, it's not like one of the high end Marvin slums. Like there, there were negatives to it, obviously like. That whole scene where he's like, uh, trying to get. The rings, he's going the ring to like, get something for Kang. And he kept seeing possibilities of himself as a little weird. I didn't really. I didn't really connect to the story this time. Like, even though I have a lot of positives to say it wasn't as compelling of a story as the first two. I mean, it still is. I think better than the films that I put ahead of it, which is it comes in at number 26. So let me just better than Thor, dark world black widow Ironman three. Captain Marvel 11 thunder. I'm sorry, I just didn't love Ironman three that much. Hmm. You know what. I'm going to do something I've never done before. I'm going to put. I'm going to actually, cause it's not, it's not the rankings aren't ironed out until the episode airs. I'm actually going to put quantum mania. Behind iron man, three. Yeah. So that means. It's actually going to come in at. I got to do some changes here. I've done it before. I'm just thinking about it, you know? So that means a quantum mania is actually going to come out at. Uh, 29th. Yeah, that's where it's going. It's ahead of, it's definitely had a captain Marvel and love and thunder, but it's behind Ironman three. Cause I did still like that movie. Wow. We have. Three movies left. Guardians of the galaxy volume three, the marvels, and then we're going to end off on dead porphyrin. I'm going to put these episodes out right away, because I want to end the year off finishing this MC rewatch. I should've finished it off so long ago, but it's been such a slog doing all these Marvel movies. I just. Oh, I like them, but it's just so much. I'm not going to do this again. Or am I. Thank you for listening to another episode of savvy geeks. I'm your host, mark savvy. And I can't wait to talk to you about guardians of the galaxy volume three. The next movie in our rewatch.