Savvy Geeks
Savvy Geeks
CB-Musings Episode 114: An Interesting Choice For Black Panther
In the final stretch of our MCU rewatch
Not my first choice for Black Panther but its not terrible....
Movie #30 = Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
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Merry Christmas and a Wakanda forever to you all. I am mark savvy of savvy geeks here. Really excited to talk about the second black Panther movie. That's right. Number two, black Panther. I know those two things aren't related, but I felt like putting out a Christmas episode. Or a black. An episode on Christmas. I mean, Before we get into black Panther. I want to tell you what my guilty. Pleasure Chris, this movie is, and I would love for anyone in the comments. Let me know what theirs is. For me. It's Noelle. Yeah. That's Anna Kendrick's Noelle. That's my guilty pleasure. Christmas movie for a lot of people. It's elf. Um, Christmas Chronicles are so many good ones that I love, but me and my wife liked to watch Noel on Christmas day, every year. That's such a good movie. Now let's move on to Wakanda forever. Wakanda forever was in my opinion, a beautiful love letter to Chadwick Boseman. Uh, they decided not to recast them, which you got to respect. I know it was a pretty divisive. Topic. Yeah, it was a polarizing conversation. Uh, a lot of people weren't passionate on both sides. You can't, he meant too much. too much. You, you can't recast them to child met so much. You have to recast. There's just, no, there was no right answer for Ryan Coogler here. It was going to be tough, regardless of whatever he chose to do. If you asked me, I'm going to strictly speak from a story point of view. I think they should have recasted to Charlie w I don't really like Shuri as the black Panther. I think she would have been really good as a leader in our own, right. Running all the tech and stuff. Maybe she could have been her own superhero. I don't know, but I really liked to Charlize a character. I really loved. Him as the king. And I feel like they should have kept that going. But it's okay. You know, they, they did their own version of it. They had his son be. They have a son. He had a son with Lupita Navantia was character. I forget her name. And that's the kids named to Chella. So there you go. That's going to be the next to challah. And that kid just, I know he didn't really say much, but just the way that actor portrayed the, the child actor portrayed him. He really seemed like a character who had a lot of heart and perfectly embodied what. Chadwick Bozeman's to Charla stood for. I know it's weird to say when he didn't say much, but I just got that feeling. Uh, if for those of you who haven't won, I'm going to trust me. This might seem like a tangent, but I'm making a point here for those of you who haven't seen. 97. They, uh, what they did is, uh, Cyclops and Jean Gray had a kid, and then they had to send the kid into the future. And the kid came back as cable. So basically. Would that, what I'm getting at with that is what if they decide to do something like that, where for some reason to Charlo had to get sent into the future. And then you came back as an adult and maybe that was Aaron peer or someone like that. Like some. Different actor. And then there you go. There's to Charlize a different to challah. Eh, it works. Narratively, you know, You recast them. Everybody's happy. Right? That's what I would've done. Something like that. Actually, no, that's a little weird. I would've recasted them honestly, but if that's, I'm just putting that out there as an option for what they could have done. Now to get to the movie itself. I thought, uh, Wakanda forever was a little bit of a step below black Panther. And that's only because I value black Panther so highly that it would, it would have been a hard bar to reach regardless. Um, Musically. It wasn't the same level. Uh, I really, I thought they established a new culture. Which is Nemours society. I thought. They were all really cool. They're basically Atlanteans, but that was a really cool Aztec in kind of culture. They D they described to us, we didn't get too much of a deep dive into who they were, because it's obviously focused on Wakanda, but we saw a good deal and it was really cool. No more than excellent character. Another mutant that was introduced into the MCU as he, the first mutant. I don't know. I feel like in a more is the first meeting they've ever actually. Mentioned. I know one of the, no, the first mutant was miss Marvel. And I don't remember if miss Marvel or black Panther came out first. I forget which one. But regardless. Uh, Namar was a great character. We got Val, who's going to be. In the comics, her characters, Madam Hydra, which is the leader of Hydra. So maybe we're eventually going to get hydro back. That'd be really cool. She was great. Uh, ever Ross was good. The colonizer as they call them. Love that actor. She's so funny. And in my opinion, Um, And in my opinion, Angela Bassett's. Performance Is one of the best dramatic performances of any actor in the MCU. When she's talking, when she's addressing her own people and talking about how she's lost so much, I was like, get that girl, her Oscar. It's something a lot of people were saying as well at the time. So, yeah, she was, she killed it. Excellent performance. I thought, uh, Danny Guerrera is a. I apologize if I'm saying your name wrong. I thought her performance as a coy was great as usual. Really excellent dramatic performance. I know I used the word dramatic. That's what it is. I thought a Winston duke love that actor Mombasa. You know, I'm somebody who could have been another black Panther. He would have been really great. He was good at this movie. Ironheart I know we're getting Ironheart TV show. Uh, duh. Dominic thorns, the actors. Name. She was really good. I don't want her to be. The MCU Ironman. Like, we're going to have to Ironman, right? Like we're gonna have Ironheart and we can have. The kid from Ironman. Was it Ironman three. He could be in it. You know, he could be the next Ironman. It's kind of perfect. Is Ironman three. Yeah, it was Ironman three. Uh, sorry, I'm getting sidetracked, Tina. That's who played? Namar. Excellent actor. So good, bro. I got to figure out. A different adjective than excellent. But yeah, he was really good. The. Uh, the way that Wakanda. The way they were Conda forever expanded on. The culture of Wakanda and added a new Aztec culture with Nemours, I'm going to keep calling them. Atlanteans that's what they are. It was so good. I even felt for Namati as a character. Like I saw where he came from. The final battle between him and Sheree was so good. I don't really like how the heart shape pear is a synthetic. I wish they found a more natural way to bring it back. But overall, like Shuri. Is great. Like she was a great lead. Just cause I prefer a different black Panther. It doesn't mean I don't like her black Panther. It was excellent. I just like her as. Her own thing, you know, but she did a. And surely as a character is going to be a great leader. For Wakanda and the reason I think she's going to be a great leader for Wakanda's cause she's going to struggle. She's not like. Uh, Ramonda or to challah, she's more complicated. I think that's going to make for a fascinating character arc. Action sequences as usual. Uh, great. Tolo can I'll say the actual name of this place. Tala. Ken's where the lanterns are. It's what the Atlanteans are. Tolo Ken was an excellent addition to the MCU, the fight scenes between them and the Wakandans were so good and dynamic. I love. The midnight angels. They are so fricking cool.
Microphone (2- USB Audio CODEC )-1:I can understand why a Coya wasn't a fan of them at first. But aesthetically they're so awesome. The powers. Legit. And it's. They need to defeat Nemours people. You had to have an advantage like that. Now. So how did Wakanda forever actually do at the box office? Because I said I was a step below black Panther, but I still think it was a great film. Do you think it did well? What do you think of the movie? Let me know in the comments and I'll let you know right now how it did at the box office. So on a budget of$250 million. And again, this movie came out two years ago, November 11th, 2022. So on a$250 million budget, the, uh, Wakanda forever. The secret to a black Panther crushed it with$860 million. I know the first one. Had a belt, but like it's still pretty good. Uh, not pretty good. It's an excellent. Financial success. So now I'm going to go over the MCU power rankings and figure out where, what Conda forever should land. It's obviously better than loving thenar, better than captain Marvel. But I'm CA I'm starting from the bottom up. Uh, better than Ironman, three better than black widow, better than dark world. It's not better than a terminals. No, it is better than the terminals. Better than I at man, better at man. And the wasp. Uh, now I'm not talking. Okay. So I'm going to put it in at number 21, cause I do not like it better than multi-verse of madness. So what kind of fabric is going to come in at 21 on our MTU pair power rankings. Now, again, this is my personal rankings. What I personally like, and that's where I'm going to put it. I headed the two Ant-Man movies and all those other ones I mentioned. The third Ant-Man movie Ant-Man and the wasp quantum mania is going to be the next one we cover can't wait to talk about it with you. I'm your host, mark savvy. And I'll see in next time.