Savvy Geeks
Savvy Geeks
CB-Musings Episode 113: Love & Thunder Does Not Slap
In the final stretch of our MCU rewatch
Worst MCU movie?
Movie #29 = Thor: Love & Thunder (2022)
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We are back after a brief hiatus to talk love and thunder. I'm going to come in strong though, because I really want to try to finish the MCU this year. This movie. It's not like Morbius or Madame web. It's not the worst thing you've ever seen. But was it the best? No. Yeah, this episode, we're going to do something a little different. I won't end off with the rankings. Like I usually do. Let's just be upfront with it. It's in last place. You don't need nothing to do a build up to where it comes in. It's dead last. I just thought that Tyco with TD was given too much rain. He's a funny guy. He's a really creative guy, but he needs. He needs studio intervention. And I, I don't say that lightly because I think some, uh, most of the time studio interventions, a bad thing. But. With Ragnarok. Like leading into love and thunder. He was saying how he was surprised the studio was saying yes to everything. And I thought that was a good thing because Ragnar rock is one of the best movies Marvel ever did. But with love and thunder. I came to realize it. It was too much of a good thing. It was just silly. It's just, that's the best word to describe this movie. It's silly. Tyco with TD can, can do great things. Jojo rabbit is one of my favorite moves. It's so good. But this just wasn't it, man. It just wasn't. It. The jokes were funny. Like, I guess the stakes were okay, but. I don't know, like you have Christian bale is gore. The God butcher. Do people realize how crazy gore the God butcher is in the comics? That dude is mental. Mental he is one of the best. Marvel villains I've ever read. And they had Christian bale play him. That should have been money, but they made him silly. He was just a silly guy. He should've showed up at that place there at where Hercules was and just murked a bunch of gods. Just anarchy and chaos. And then the thing, whole thing with the kids and. I don't know, it just wasn't. It wasn't good. It was too silly. Gore should not have been a comedic character. He was like, like a quirky and he had some kind of like goofiness Tim and I, it's just, that's a prime example of too much of a good thing. Let's look at the box office numbers. So it did really well at the box office to be fair. On a budget of$250 million. Now keep in mind, this movie came out and I'm pulling up the date. Now, this movie came up in 2022, so it was two years ago. The movie camp. Uh, on a bar budget of$250 million for 1100 it's 760 million. That's over$500 million profit. By all metrics. The movie's a success financially. Now I want to pull up the rotten tomatoes, which I haven't usually done, but this feels like an interesting movie to see what people thought about. So critics gave it 63 users gave it 70. That's interesting. I would give it probably like a 55 because there were some. Positives too. I like the coloring of it when they were fighting him in the shadow realm. I thought that was really cool. Just the black and whiteness. Not even a word of the shower. My thought was aesthetically pleasing. I really enjoy the dynamic between Thor and Jane. I knew she was going to dive cancer before, because I read some comics leading into it. Cause I was so excited. The way they presented new Asgard. It was ridiculous too. Why would there be an ice cream shop? Themed in the infinity gauntlet. That makes no sense. Like what the hell? Do people. Not re like did Tyco T not remember. What Fennell's did to Asgard. He probably just didn't even look it up. Ask Thanos. Murked like 60% of them on the big boat at the end of. Ragnar rock. Destroyed them. Then he wipes out half of the civilization and the thing it's like, they think new Asgard would have an ice cream shop themed after him. Come on. That's ridiculous. You know what I get so riled up, but let's focus more on the positives. If we're in the holiday season. Let's have some Yule tide spirit. The coloring of the shadow realm. I really liked. How, um, How the dynamic was between thorn chain. Come on. I thought Zeus was way too silly. I like Russell Crowe, but it was kind of like, I don't know, cringe on what, where do you want to use? I did like how they went there and saw all the gods. Like, I thought that was a cool kind of, it was almost like in star wars when they have. Those big Senate meetings. That's what that felt like. I like the dynamic of the gods, not caring about humans like humanity or just other civil light, other people, you know what I mean? I thought that was really interesting and I hope they explore that more. Who knows maybe with Zeus going forward. We'll see. The Zeus that I want, like more. Aggressive and. Demeaning to humanity because you saw how they brought in, um, Hercules at the end and Sue seemed all pissed off. So we might get that kind of Zeus. The action scenes are pretty fun. The final confrontation was ridiculous with the children. Did not like that at all. Like, can you just give power to people? Come on. Where did that come from? Aye. Come on. I'm just adding more negatives. I can find a positive. Right Parker. Your daddy can find a positive. Ah, what's a positive about this film besides the two things that keep repeating. The root good jokes. Like when they were playing the speaker and nodding there. A bobbing their heads. I liked how I do really like Jane's character. I thought she was really well acted. Um, Natalie Portman put on some muscle for the role and it really suited it. I do like the little girl. Um, Gore's daughter. I thought she was really cool. I hope to see her with the younger vendors at some point. And, you know, even if I'm gonna criticize it, actually there is a positive, a real positive. This to me is. Thor love and thunder is the standard for bat in the MCU. You could put maybe captain Marvel with that too. Like I like captain Marvel, but. Um, maybe it's a little bit. It's definitely better than throw 11 thunder, but it creeps towards that level of quality. I would say. But even the MCU at its worst. I still found myself. Having fun. There were even like with all the things I criticized. It wasn't unwatchable. Which I could say about Madam weapon. Maybe Morbius. So I do appreciate the marbles able to Marvel, even at its worst, it's still like a pretty. Decent time because the movie got like 70%. Users critics who cares what they say, honestly. It doesn't matter, but user still gave it 70%. So if that's like the worst that Marvel has to offer, which I would say it's more 50 something. That's not too bad. They've consistently put out quality. For over 15 years. It's all been good enough. And I can't really think of many like bombs at the box office. So like the good news is the MC is going to keep going. If they started like bombing, like DC did with the. Their universe. We wouldn't have any more MCU. So it is good that at its absolute worst. It's still good enough to keep the universe going. That's a positive, right? Jen? She's here too. Yeah. That's why you think I'm too negative. This episode? She's nodding her head. Yes, I know, but I have to be honest, I have to be honest. Thor 11 thunder deserved the criticism I'm giving it. Now the next one, we're going to talk about. Is Wakanda forever. That one. I I watched. And at the point of this recording, I've watched it. And it's amazing. So I'll be positive there. I promise. Thanks for listening to another episode of savvy geeks. I'm your host mark savvy. I'll see. In next time.