Savvy Geeks
Savvy Geeks
CB-Musings Episode 111: The Best Spider-Man Movie
We are in the final stretch of our MCU Rewatch
No Way Home is the best Spiderman Movie
Movie #27 = Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
New Episode every week.
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After a very brief hiatus, we have returned with another episode of savvy geeks. Going through the entirety of the MCU. We find ourselves on. The greatest Spider-Man movie. Yep. That's right. I said it. Before we get into it though. I gotta be real with you for a second. The last couple of weeks I been away because I had a gum graft and it was not a pleasant experience. Do you remember at the end of end game? It was where we found herself at the beginning of an game where Tony star was all sickly and he's just out of it. Super weak, skinny. That is where I am now, because for two weeks, all I could have was soup and apple sauce. I never want to have apple sauce again. So the doctor said that I could have some soft food, but I don't know. I guess I was worried. I, I only worked for the soups and. It was so painful. Even having the soup every time I would have a liquid. I would just. My mouth would be on fire. Cause I had a hole in the roof of my mouth. Basically they cut a hole. Um, they cut the roof of my mouth and put the took gums out or whatever gum tissue and put it where I had recession. That's just the. That's just what it was. And it was super, super unpleasant for two weeks. I was, I'm very skinny. Uh, I feel weak, but I'm back. I'm enthusiastic. The only reason I'm enthusiastic when I'm this week is because we are talking about the best Spider-Man movie. Yeah, that's right. I said it no way. Home is the best Spider-Man movie. A lot of people might think, oh, it was nostalgia bay. They had Toby and Andrew and Daredevil and it wasn't actually that good. No, the reason. It was good was because of the story. Okay. The. It was an incredible Spider-Man movie. Yeah. Okay. You could the fact that Toby and Andrew were their attitude, but it's not like it was meritless. Nostalgia is the word I'm going to use. Those characters had something to contribute to the story. And everything we solve them. Or everything we knew of. Uh, these two iterations of spare made it that much more special, but it did still have a narrative purpose. So it wasn't just some random slop they put in there to make people be like, oh, no way. I love that splinter. I'm going to watch the movie. A lot of people weren't even sure they were going to be in it. It was an experience. To see the NOI home in theaters because people were cheering. They were clapping going nuts. When Andrew showed up, when Toby showed up. When Daredevil show up, like everybody loved it.
Microphone (USB Audio CODEC )-1:It was just such an incredible experience. It's what motivates it's what. It's the kind of theater experience that I always remember. Because when you like, yeah, I saw Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer was one of my favorite movies. I loved it, but it wasn't the same kind of like if I saw Oppenheimer by myself, It would have been the same experience. No way home was a kind of movie. You go to the theaters to see because of the whole. Vibe of the theater, how being with all these people are just as passionate as you. It was so incredible. Yeah, a lot of these moves are good because you go there. A lot of these movies. I mean, you go there because of the sound and the screens like Oppenheimer, like I just mentioned. But there's another element to that. And it's the moviegoer experience of like, Just described, being there with all these people, it's really special. It's the kind of thing that you remember, it stays with you. I vividly remember seeing those movies, like seeing no way home and game infinity war, the Avengers movies. And I remember the feeling of being surrounded by fans like me and, and the excitement in the air. It stayed with me. That's what was the most special thing about no way home. Now, if we're getting to the nitty gritty of the actual story. It was incredible. Uh, it had had steaks. It showed, it ended with like heartbreak, you know, Peter finally. Making the big sacrifice and, and. The goodbye he did to MJ also when NJ fell and Andrew Garfield Spider-Man like saved her. And like he couldn't do with his Gwen. There's just so many things that I can talk with. I love this movie. It was so good. It was the best Spider-Man movie, hands down. I think a lot of people can make a case for different Spider-Man movies to be their favorites. But no way home was definitely the best. The only issue I have with the, uh, the John Watts trill juice Spiderman is I wish it started from the ground up. I think. Where we find Peter now. Like with all this experience he has done with these, uh, aliens and all this crazy stuff, it felt like something like, uh, later Peter should have experience and was just started off with the ground-level hero. But Hey, it's okay. We found ourselves there now. I just hope that with the multi-verse and all this stuff, they don't. They don't stray away from where they ended off in this film where Peter's poor. He's. In New York, he's going to find MJ again, probably like he's definitely going to find her again. She signed on to do Spider-Man for, so. Uh, but I don't want them to lose sight of what they set up in this film. When he lost his, um, And may, which, by the way, that was the. All the other handmaids were like grandmas. This is the first aunt Mae where it actually like makes sense that she would be that age. Her death hit you so hard the way they did that, the way they did a spider sense. Was incredible. The green goblin seen the doctor strange scene where he's like, Uh, Dr. Strange is like, how are you doing that? You know? And he's like, I don't know. It was awesome. Tom Holland is just such a good Spearman. He's quirky. He's goofy. He's brilliant. And all that was in displaying this film, the villains were great. Again, it wasn't nostalgia bay that. The villains served a purpose. I loved how. The other two, Spidermans kind of had this mentorship. Relationship with Peter because of their experiences and their previous films, which is why it's not nostalgia bay, because. They have a narrative role in the film. They're there to show Peter. The path he could be on. Okay. What he can do if he lets his rage take over. Green gob. Like I'm staring at my two dogs right now. Peter Parker and miles Morales. That's what you two are named after doggies. Yeah. Yeah. You're named after Spider-Man he's the best hero. And that's why I named you after him. Cause I love you doggies. I really hope we get miles in the next trilogy. I'm almost certain we're going to get a live action miles Morales. He's too popular of a character now to not do that. I feel like with spec with no way home, I should give myself more than the 10 minutes to have so much to say. I think if we're like, Tearing it down to the studs and saying, Specifically what it was that I loved about it. I loved. The stakes, the emotional stakes Peter had. I loved the action sequences. I love Dr. Stranges role in it with all that stuff. And I really loved where Peter Parker ended up. But then I love this film enough. To put it in the top 10. That means it would have to beat out one of these movies, Shang cheat. Doctor strange captain America, one guardians of the galaxy volume one, the Avengers, winter soldier, Ragnarok civil war, infinity war, or end game. Does it beat out one of those movies? The answer is yes, because no way home comes in. Number nine, our MCU power rankings. Oh, we're getting to the end. My loyal listeners. We only have 1, 2, 3, I think four movies left, and then we're done. I think we're going to end off the year with Deadpool and Wolverine. That'll be our last movie of the rewatch and it'll be a great way to end the pod. For the year and then we'll take a break until my birthday. Up next on our MCU watch we have multi-verse of madness. Stay tuned. I can't wait to talk to you. I'm so happy to be back. I think. What we might do is I got to see if the sound's okay. But we might do multi-verse of madness on location at a vendor's campus. Cause I'm going to California this weekend. Yay.