Savvy Geeks
Savvy Geeks
CB-Musings Episode 110: My Darling Eternals
Eternals was not as bad as you member
We are in the final stretch of our MCU Rewatch
Movie #26 = Eternals (2021)
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What's up. Y'all really happy to be back mark savvy of savvy geeks this week. We're going to be talking about. Eternals MCU flop. Or fans bring it to the top. I don't know what that is. No fans and not bring it to the top. It was considered a failure, I think. Right. But don't you think it was a failure? But the issue with that is I think part of the reason that didn't do as well as it could have was the time it came out. Although you could argue, Sean cheat did pretty well under similar circumstances, widen internals. I think internals was a really good movie. I thought it was artistic. In a way that I hadn't seen in Marvel movies in the past. So I really appreciated that. But it didn't. It had shortcomings that brought it down a bit, you know, that's just the reality of it. I mean, looking at the budget for eternal is a budget. Really high. It was$236 million. I guess to do that kind of artistic. Style that I was talking to the Chloe's out, brought to the table. It was pricey. Right? But on that much of a, on that high of a budget, it really only made.$400 million. So I guess that's not too bad, but also not too great. Um, Let me pull up with Sean cheat that actually I forget we talked them in the last episode, but I don't remember what it did. So Sean Chichi. Which I thought was this success. Had a much shorter budget, a 200 million. And I made 30 million more. So it was definitely more of a success, but like marginally, I would say, although I think a turtle has got a tax credit. I have to look into that. I believe he got a tax crap. No, and I was captain. I think that was the marvels. They got a tax credit. I forget which movie, let me know in the comments. If you remember. But the thing with the turtles. Was it is, it takes place in the MCU. And it's foundational to the universe that they've built. You can't not have an eternal to R expand on that story. There's Timo is shooting out of the planet. So, how are you supposed to not continue the eternal story? Like. The creators of the universe themselves were introduced in this movie. You have to have more talked about you. Can't. You can't just like, not have a movie for. W what was it like? Seven years. Like, I don't know, like they're probably not even gonna doing an internals to, I think they shelved the turtles to now. Uh, turtles. One came out three years ago. They haven't done anything, not talk to anything that they had. Um, Harry styles, his character just completely shelved. Thousands his brother come on. Like, what are you doing? And Sean, she's not coming out until after the mutant phase. What a waste. I cannot believe it was just announced recently that Sean, she's not coming out. Talk to the mutant. Talk to the, um, this current sagas over. So that's like another five. Years, at least probably such a way. It's like what a mess, the marvels. And like, I really hope. That once secret wars comes out, they can do a proper reset and. Fix what they've done. It's just in such disarray. I love Marvel. Every movie I've watched. I really like, but their longterm plans are just not hitting for me. It Charles was a fun movie. I enjoyed it. I really liked. The characters. I'm trying to pick characters right now that stood out to me. And I honestly, I loved them all for different reasons. I guess my favorites would be Kingo. I liked At the end time, but I guess I'm only gonna talk about the people I saw in the movie. I like Kingo I like Thena Searcy was great Jewish. Um, Black night, Dane Whitman was good for the limited time. Icarus was awesome. Sprite was good. Fastow's Ajax was a good leader. Gilgamesh. It was awesome. I didn't really like how. The deviant or portrayed. But maybe they would have gone to be more like their comic counter parts. The more they became evolved, but in the comics are basically like the shape-shifters so they can become, they can look like regular people and I would have preferred that over whatever the hell. They showed us. I didn't like how. Kingo in the end, just kind of disappeared. It wasn't part of the final confrontation. But I did love how the Celestials were portrayed. I kind of wished we saw more of the celestial speaking, but obviously they have to be more existential because of the gravity of who they are. Right. The terminals for me, it, it was at its best when it was showing that Chloe's Al style of the different time periods, you know, and, and the artistic nature of it. I kind of wished. It was more coherent. The story. And. I think the most disappointing thing about eternal is as a whole was actually at least for me personally, how Marvel handled it afterwards, just we hear absolutely nothing. Icarus flies into the sun. I might as well, the rest of the turtles. Have you ever. We are nothing the black night, what the hell is happening with that? You hear Marshall Ali's character. Um, Blade at the end and literally nothing. Comes from it. This movie had so many potential storylines. They could have expanded and Marvel just shelved all of it. How can you just shelve such important stories to do what you think the audience wants. Okay. This movie wasn't that bad. You could have fixed some of these mistakes and it could have been way better the next time. Give her a turtles too. We need a turtles too. It didn't. I have the humor that typically wasn't a Marvel movie, but it still had some humor. The action scenes were great. I loved how they portrayed. The resident speed serve. The eternal is McCarty. My darling Macquarie. That should be the caption of episode. That was an awesome speedster scene. I think that was probably one of my favorite speedsters. Scenes that I've seen. I like probably the flash movie had better ones, but overall I think MCI was up there. We don't say enough speedsters in. Movies anymore. I wish we saw more of them. So, I guess the question comes down to where would Eternals rank on our MCU, a power rankings. I don't know. What do you think? You think that it should be higher? Or did you think it should be lower? I, I, I believe half the listeners will say it's top 10. The other half will say bottom 10. Now, unfortunately I tend to be in the bottom 10 part and it's not necessarily an indictment on. Uh, terminals, which had a lot of great moments. It's more. I'm more talking about how much I loved the other movies so far. And I will say, like this movie took a swing, the, not a lot of movies in the MCU. Take, so it should get bonus points for that. But this isn't necessarily a creative rankings. It's it's my personal favorite rankings. So with that in mind, I have to put Eternals at number 22. So that means the only movies that are terminals. Is ahead of our dark world block widow. Iron man three and captain Marvel. Needless to say. I wanted to see more. I really want to see a turtles too. I don't understand how we're not like seeing way more of a terminals. It's just. Absolutely boggles my mind. They've made the universe too big and now they're just cutting shit out. Randomly. To make it smaller and fit a narrative. They think the fans want, but it's not working. Stop every MCU. Movie I cover. I just get more and more mad about the overall direction of the universe. And it would've just been fine if they just focused on the multi-verse saga with Kang, just recast him. Recast them and keep these movies. They're not, it's not that big of a flop that you can't do a second one. Like come on. Thor, dark world was like critically panned. You still did Ragnar. I can look up good. Ragnarok was. And honestly the Ironman trilogy. Isn't that great. We all talk about it, how much we love it, but iron man one was amazing and I'm in two and three. We're just like, you know, a good time. I still love them. But it's not like. I guess in the box office, they crushed that's, you know, at the end of the day, that's all they want. They want the, they want that number to start with a five. Otherwise it's a failure. I think the best thing that these kind of movies can do at terminals, the marvels Catherine Rose, you got to have a budget under 200 million and then the studio might give you a little more leeway. Ah, what are you going to do? I will say this though. I think. Internals was one of the more polarizing movies. That the MCU has put out. The next movie that's coming up though. That is not polarizing. I got to be real if you didn't like this movie, that's cool. But I think we can all agree that the majority of fans did. Can you guys with that movie is. I'll give you a second. The next movie on our MCU rewatch is Spider-Man no way home. Oh, I'm so excited to watch that one. I'm going in for some, uh, gum surgery that I got to do a gum graph. So let's see how long I'm in. A miserable mood for after that. And then we'll talk about when the episode's going to come up. Uh, so this is mark Savvi of savvy geeks signing off.