Savvy Geeks
Savvy Geeks
CB-Surprise! Episode 109: Venom The Last Dance
Sorry haters but this movie rules!
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Welcome everybody. To another episode of sat V geeks. I'm your host, mark savvy. Joined by. None other then. Jen savvy. Welcome back. She did not divorce me, everybody. Okay. It's just easier to record myself, but yes. We're still going strong. She still loves me. Even was the last episode I was in, who even knows. I recorded a bunch and then you lost. Okay. It's hard because there's all these channels on this thing I used to record and I accidentally muted her. Mike wants him to have the time or the volume down, like, yeah, I messed up. That's my bad, but you're here. It looks like it's recording. Both of them. Yeah. I just had to double check, double check, triple check. Triple check. Okay. That's because quintuple check. We are here to talk about the last entry in the venom movie. Uh, venom the last dance venom. I'm not going to go that guy. Um, so then in the last dance, before we get into anything, I want everybody to know that. There will be spoilers galore. So if you don't want this movie spoiled for you. I do not. Listen, any more pause, download, subscribe, and come back. I don't care what anybody says, because I know I'm going to get heat for this. I thought venom, the last dance was a good movie. And the term good is so subjective. Let me ask you this. Jen. Did you enjoy the film? Yes. Did you laugh? Yes. Did you leave with a smile on your face? Yes, then it's a good movie. Yeah. That's all that matters. Yeah. We're not here talking about this when we were like a bunch of cinephile douchebags. Oh my God. I mean, I think it's which what you want out of like a Marvel movie. I mean, obviously like all of them I think are just good in their own way. Yeah. They're not all going to be end games where Avengers. to those things with storylines over time. Like, yeah, this is just, um, I know it's the third one, I guess, in this series. Which I didn't see any of the other one. But I still thought it was a good movie, even though I didn't see any of the other ones. I mean, I know who he is, obviously. I think the only iteration of venom that I'm familiar with was one from like, Spider-Man. Toby Maguire Spiderman. Sam Ramey Spider-Man three. So like I didn't see the, um, Tom Hardy movies. Before this. Yeah, but I also like. I didn't feel lost. When you seen this, even though that was the case. So if you are going to go see it with someone else who maybe hasn't been, hasn't seen the other ones. It's not a big deal. Yeah. Still good movie. A hundred. Yeah. I really enjoyed the things. I did. I did enjoy, I wish. They alluded to the really powerful Symbio at the end of the second, which by the way, I watched the first two venom movies, the day of we were going to watch this cause. We had a late showing we saw at nine 40. So a time to see that. other too. and the, one of the, I did research on the Symbio that they introduced at the end of the second one, his name's toxin and this. Symbio was probably the most powerful symbol other than venom, like he's O P and he just gets slurped up, like right away. So I thought that was kind of lame. I thought that family was so funny. I love that family looking for aliens. Like at first I thought that guy was super creepy, but then I, you know, the kind of warm, warm up to you, right. Yeah. I liked it. It was good com. What is it? Comedic relief? Yeah. Their comedic group. Venom was a good commuter group. He's so funny. For those of you. He is funny. For those of you who don't know this. Uh, if you go on Venom's Twitter, the page for the movie. There was this like, Viral kind of marketing campaign. They did where they asked people. To say, hashtag venom roast me and then venom the Twitter account would be roasting them. And there's some really funny comments. Highly recommend checking that out. That's the action in general is fun and light. The pacing of the movie, it was fun. Like, it didn't feel like it dragged or, and, but, you know, didn't feel like there were holes like unexplained holes in the story. At least to me, even just seeing the last one. So. Is it both our favorite part? The part that I'm thinking of, say it. Um, the dance. Seen all that was your, why would that be methods? That's the avid dancing with Mrs. Cam. So funny. That's my favorite. I think it's really cool that you don't even know who Mrs. Kim is because she's like a nice character that you come to know, like briefly in each movie. But you still loved it. Yeah. From the, they had a history from when they first met. So they have been. These are stuff like that, but yeah. Her part when they're doing dancing queen and the dance is just hilarious. Yeah. Uh, venom. let's talk about no, actually, I was really looking forward to seeing all in this movie. I thought we'd see more of them. But he's just kind of in the background, you thought he was scary too, right? So. So scary. Yeah. NOLs basically. For those of you who don't know, he's kind of been there at the Dawn of creation. So you expected to see a little more of him, but it's okay. I mean in this movie, he's, you know, trapped the whole time. That's stupid. Why would the simulates be able to trap them? That's so. I was actually wondering, was that something that was addressed in the other movies or not never. He knows. Never once. Uh mentioned, oh, I had no idea like the other, the first, so the first venom movie, basically. They tried to. There they send some like, um, Reconnaissance forces and venoms. One of them. And then the force is try to leave the planet to alert their homework so they can invade earth. And vet him stops him. Cause he likes humanity now. The second one. Uh, venoms. Venom has a kid and basically the kid attached to Sierra Cola and bunch of crazy stuff happened. So it's nothing close to that. But like, why would they talk about. The Symbio 20 innovate. Earth, in this movie, they're trying to escape. No, and there they want to use earth is a refuge, but in the other vendor movies, they're more described as this like alien invasion presence. So it doesn't really make sense, but whatever, we just watched it on its own. I think, well, they. It only came that way because that's how, cause they were kind of telling the story from the scientist and the military person. And obviously like at first they didn't think that. And then he was saying like, because the, he got into the altercation or the team died and everything. And then he got pissed off about that. And he was like, they're trying to invade everybody. Like. And a movie. How they were presented. It was basically like this alien invasion force who was coming to take over the world. Right. But in this one, there, they are like, no, we're just here to like, get away from null, but it doesn't make any sense because Venom's character literally says, no, we're here to destroy your planet. It doesn't line up. So I'll give it a Nick for that. But, I mean, I still really enjoyed it. It was really funny. The action scenes were good. Hi, Parker park is sitting with Jane. So cute. Who's your favorite character as a veteran? Yeah, he's funny, Tom Hardy does the voice for him too. I asked you that because I wasn't sure, but he's funny. And I liked that. You can tell he's just like good natured a little bit too. Like he was still biting people's heads off and eating them. But he didn't kill any dogs. Yeah, I can tell he's good. Yeah, because those people are making dogs like fight to the death. They deserve to die. I just looking at our cute puppies right now. Wait now is your favorite part when they're singing the song in the car? My favorite part was when the symbiotes were fighting at the end. I saw those. That was really fun. And buy for just like fighting and. I wish that one thing I wish didn't happen as they all just died. Like all those symbols were pretty cool. And they just all got like mucked. Were they the less of this MPO? It's no. Again, like it's, it almost feels like they weren't paying attention to things they said in the earlier movies. Because apparently there's a planet. Where there's millions of symbiotes. Okay. Oh, see the whole know thing. I thought that they, that was just maybe from an earlier movie that I didn't see, because I just assumed that what I thought happened was that. The, uh, venom alien. Oh, Symbionese yes. They're aliens too. Yeah. Or whatever you want. And they that they. Maybe it was shown in another movie that of them. Kind of trapping him. Because they were that they said that they were the ones that, um, Put him in there from that. What is that thing called again? The stone. The Kodak. Codex. Yes. I thought maybe they had shown that already. And now I confused by that too. I didn't really get Holly codex worked the codex, it, they said that it only forms when I'm a human and it Symbio. With dye or maybe it's not a human, but. Symbio in something else also like, because he needs the codex to get out of that trap that they put him in. So they use a codex to put them into a trap, I guess, and that then he needs one to. So far, that's why he sent those other alien things on like, A scavenger hunt. Yeah. Yeah. So for me, it's that big fight at the end, where they're all trying to get to them. I thought that was the best. I like that. I don't think Venom's data either. You don't yet know. I mean, To die though. For that to happen to that this codex wasn't. Yeah, but this just feels like he's not dead. I don't know how they're going to explain it, but maybe like, um, cause they're these gooey things, I don't know. Maybe he needs time to like regenerate or something. Um, I don't know how it works. Or maybe cause a piece of him was dropped in another universe. So maybe they're going to use that too. Bring it into this universe. Apparently. There's um, There's such dumb plans for the Sony universe. Like the Sony universe has fallen off is I, you know, I shouldn't say it's fallen off. So any of our universe has been openly criticized from the very beginning. The only thing that they've done that people really appreciate is venom. And the Spider-Man animated Spider-Man movies. And I think last dance. Was a good movie. I thought last sense was a good end to a trilogy that made them a lot of money and did really well. I do think that it makes sense is the blonde girl. The, when she got the lighting, like what. What does that look? She got hit by lightning and somehow That was just her backstory. I think. That she Bekah. Uh, why she became a scientist working there is because her brother always wanted to work there and he died when they got struck by lightning. So she did it. Fulfill history. Yeah. But there's some weird, like power things. She's getting there's a connection. Like she has this, like this mark on her arm. And when she hit the symbiotic gave her super speed that matched the lightning. There's something there. I don't know. It doesn't really make sense. But they're gonna have to elaborate that more. Hmm. I enjoyed it. Jen enjoyed it. We think you're going to enjoy it. If you come in with an open mind and peace in your heart. Oh, see that I'm the last dance. That's another episode. Of savvy cakes. I'm your host, mark savvy. So happy to finally be joined again by my amazingly beautiful wife, Jen, up next, I'm going to be returning to my MCU rewatch with a terminals. See you then.