Savvy Geeks
Savvy Geeks
CB-Surprise! Episode 99: Deadpool And Wolverine
I have some strong opinions about Deadpool And Wolverine
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Welcome to another episode of savvy geeks. It's been a hot minute people, a hot minute. Here's the deal. I came back from Japan. I went to class right away. Cause I'm trying to be a writer. Uh, I had a UFT chorus and it was just like, A whole week of two plus hours of driving downtown. And I was just really preoccupied with this. New endeavor of mine. It was only a one week class I'm back. Uh, so I wanted to record right. But then I record a whole episode. Last week I had the week. I wasn't, it was two weeks ago. So last week I was back on record a whole episode of. My coverage of Deadpool, Wolverine with my wife. And she said to me, before I recorded mark. Make sure you have the recording done right. Because last time we recorded, I muted her backs and I had the volume all the way down and I forgot to put the volume up. And I'll let you know what, Jen, I'm not an idiot. I won't do that again. I put the volume all the way up. She, and look, oh, perfect. Right. No, not right. I'm a dumb ass. I had the mute button on it was all the way down the volume and the mute button. So you recruit a whole episode last week. And I couldn't even hear her. You just heard, heard her through my mic, like a weird faint echo. So here's what we're going to do. This is one episode spoiler free. I'll talk vague things about the movie. And then when me and my wife see it. I'll do I'll hover back on and we'll talk about the movie full of spoilers. Did you have a chance to watch it over the weekend? It was as the opening weekend. A lot of people don't realize when a movie comes out on a Friday, you can usually watch it. The Thursday. If you have seen it, let me know in the comments, because I have a feeling, a lot of the listeners have seen this film. I am. Absolutely in shock at how good this movie did on its opening weekend. It had a record opening weekend for R rated movie. For comparison's sake, I'm going to put up what I think was the best movie of the year dune to. And see what their total box office was. So doom part two, we've all seen it. It's an unreal film. Their total box office was$718 million. Deadpool and Wolverine. I can't believe it. Had a$440 million box office. How crazy is that? They made more than 50% of dunes entire box office in one weekend. I just picked a random MOOCs. I really like doing, and their budget was pretty similar. Dunes budget was one 90 Deadpool over in was 200. This film, like for those of you who don't remember. When this film came out. Um, Ryan Reynolds was just sitting on a couch and he's like, oh, let's try. Sorry, when this film was first teased. I mean, Ryan Reynolds was sitting on a couch and he's all like, oh, what am I going to do? Hey, a Hugh, you want to be a, you want to come back as Wolverine? And then Hugh Jackman, who's a, the actual plays, Wolverine walks up the stairs, takes a bite of an apple and he's like, sure, Ryan, and then boom. That's how I was teased.
Microphone (USB Audio CODEC )-1:Just. It just feels like such a lifetime ago. I can't believe we're here. Wolverine means so much to me ever since I was a kid, I always loved him and Hugh Jackman. Just purse. He's he's the Wolverine, his portrayal of this character is iconic. It's like. I would say it's even more than Robert ed Jr. As Tony stark there, I think. Wolverine Hugh Jackman's portrayal of Wolverine is more iconic than anyone else's portrayal of a comic book character. There's been some really good ones, but none to the extent of what Hugh Jackman has been to Wolverine, you don't think of how many movies this guy has been over. How many years? I think the first X-Men came out in 2000. So we're 24 years between his first appearance and his last one. Unreal. Now the question is. Is this appearance of Wolverine, a good one. And I want to get into that a little bit without spoiling the movie. Hugh Jackman's performance in this film was. Really good. I wouldn't say it's on the same level of. His Logan, you know, that's the last film he did. I wouldn't say it's on the same level of days of future past. Those are just generally better films. So I guess he had more to work with. But he did really well. With Deadpool. Wolverine was a really good time. Deadpool Brian rounds. They're big personalities that share a screen with. And I think sometimes with Ryan rounds in particular, he has this like schtick where, you know, he kind of rambles on, he him make all these little jokes, which I. Typically love, but I thought sometimes in this film it was a little too much. And some other characters he shared scenes with, I felt like. Suffered as a result of it because the dialogue wasn't really. Smooth, you know, And I don't want to go into too much detail. Cause I, I really want to keep this movie fresh with. And spoil it free for anyone that wants to watch it. But I will say, I thought the Ryan Reynolds stick was a little much in this one. Uh, and that's coming from someone who loves his stick. I thought in the first two Deadpool films. For those of you who don't remember the first few Deadpool films, the first one he's like, uh, he he's all like rattled because he finds out he's going to die of cancer. And then he goes to this person one line, he actually says in the film that stuck with me is. And I'm paraphrasing is the worst part about cancer is not what it does to you. It's what it does to the people you care about. That's such an incredible line. There, there was really good. They had this really good emotional backbone in that first film. Through this. Through his struggles of coming terms, come to terms with his own mortality. And then in the second one, you ha he's better now, but his wife gets murdered. So he he's going through this whole like grieving stage. I thought both of these films that are really good job of. Giving us. His reasoning behind. Why he does what he does in the film. You know what I mean? Uh, and I also thought the Ryan Reynolds stick was at its kind of perfect balance between like, Kind of smothering other people's dialogue. And are not smothering other people's dialoguing, but also keeping what makes him such a funny character. Uh, shine. But I thought in this third film, We didn't get, like, we know what his motivations are. But it didn't feel like it was as well presented as in the first two films. And at the same time, like I said, he kind of smothered other people's chance for good dialogue, because he just kept going on and on and on. Also, why does each film have to start with a flashback? Each film literally started the same way. It's kind of lame. Again, no spoilers, but it's it's it starts similar to the other two. No double does this thing. And he's like, how did I get here? Blah, blah, blah. Come on. Bill, do a little, do something a little different. That's what I didn't like about the movie.
Microphone (USB Audio CODEC )-2:What I did like about the film is a little hard to discuss without spoiling anything. So I will say this. I like the cameos. I like the action. I like the humor. The action, the humor where the best parts about the film, the best performance in Deadpool over in, I think. I know I can be a little biased, but I truly believe it belonged to Hugh Jackman's Wolverine. I really loved Cassandra Nova. She's one of the characters in this film, I thought she was really well done and I wish we got to see more of her. That's not a spoiler. It's it's well-documented she's in the film. I really love how the TVA is presented. They have a really cool. They're the drivers of the story really? And I really hope. We get to see more Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. I really do. I at first, I was like, ah, Let's bring someone else in, you know, but seeing him in this movie, He just had such a good job. The only thing I wonder is. How long can he keep going at this level? Before it starts to just not work. He was absolutely shredded in this film. Can you. Maintain that level of fitness. Hugh Jackman's in his fifties. He's not a young guy. Like how long can he keep this up? There was one scene where he had a shirt off. And everybody in the theater gassed, they all loved it, guys. And girls let's be real. It was unreal. I know. Unreal is my favorite word today. I guess the next question you'd probably ask is what do I need to see before watching this film? Obviously you got to see Deadpool one and two. Come on. Anytime there's a third film in a franchise, you got to see it. I actually funny enough, Shawn levy, the director of the film said that he doesn't view this as Deadpool three. He views it as a team up, but how does Deadpool get to where he is now? It's the first two films. So you have to see Deadpool one and two. Those are must. Now, here are things that I recommend, but aren't necessarily must they would just paint the picture better for you. Logan. And low-key season one end too, but if you don't want to watch that much TV, then just season one. And it's really season low-key season one. And. Come on. Let's just watch both seasons. They're so good. Loki. What happens in Loki has massive ramifications for this next era. Era of Marvel. The TVA are the, are the time cops are. They're tasked with keeping the multi-verse together and make sure timelines don't go all poop. They are huge in this film and they're going to be huge going forward. So you better familiar side familiarize yourself with their history. Who they are, why they're here and where they're going. If you really want to get a good picture of this film, you should probably see all the X-Men. Films. Actually really, you should see. Oh, you know what. They're not say that last part. I don't want to spoil anything. Watch a once. Then come back and think about. What I just said and how I just saved a massive spoiler. Oh, Hey, Hey, I'm maintaining a spoiler so far. I haven't spoiled. One thing I said spoil a lot. But I haven't actually spoiled anything. I think this film's going to fall. Around the mid eighties on the savvy meter ranking. But when I see it again with my wife, Jen, I'll, I'll have a final. Review really this film, I was just kind of an, all that. Hugh Jackman was back. So I need to come back again, watch it properly. Just relax, you know. I was way too excited to be there. It should be noted. There is one after credit scene, but is not really relevant to any future dead pole stories or any future MCU stories. You can stay if you want. But if you gotta pee. It's not a big deal. You can just go. That's all the time we have for today. Tune in on the weekend when we have our full spoiler late in review of Deadpool and Wolverine. And then we'll go back to our MCU rewatch. My name's mark savvy. Thank you for listening. I'll see you next time.