Savvy Geeks

CB-Musings Episode 98: Thor Ragnarok Is A Masterpiece

Marc Savvy

Going back to the beginning 

Of the MCU!

We are on THE BEST Thor movie

Movie #17  = Thor: Ragnarok(2017)
New Episode every week.

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Microphone (USB Audio CODEC )-3:

I bent down last week and tweaked something in my back. So I'm a little, sorry. But it doesn't matter because I am absolutely. Pumped to be able to talk Thor Ragnarok with you all.

Microphone (USB Audio CODEC ):

I was really looking forward to this. Movie in my rewatch because. To me, it was one of the. Best. Movies Marvel ever did. And I really wanted to see if it's just kind of this. Not nostalgic, but it's pack mentality because everyone loved that movie. Is that why I liked it? Or is it more like, you know, you, you built something up in your head and it's not as good as you remember it. And the truth is. It holds up. Thor Ragnarok. It's so good. It's so funny as well. It's gotta be the funniest movie in the MCU. In my opinion, so good. And it's, like I said, everybody felt the same way. I don't think I came across one person. Who didn't love this film. If I go talk to people that aren't too familiar with superhero stuff like. My brother or people I work with, or, you know, just older people, my family. How that's you bro? They will say they love the wreck Narok. Because it was just a movie for the people. It, it had the perfect mixture. The concoction. What they use to make that foam was. Not too much, not too little. When you do something really, really well, you don't need to change anything. Just keep what works and do it again. Let's start off with the characters that stood out for me, because there's a long list. Actually, there's one criticism. I want to get out of the way. Where was SIF and how did the warriors three get dispatched like so easily? I know, um, Zachary Levi is actually on records. Kind of like, I don't know if I want to call it complain, but he wasn't a fan of how quickly his character was killed. Because if you remember, of the four years, three were big parts of the original Thor movie. And, uh, even the dark ALS farmer correctly, but in Thor, Ragnarok, Hella comes in. And as soon as she comes in, she kills two of them. Like instantly they don't even pose a threat. Like it was so lame. That's the only real criticism I have this film. So Heela as the villain. Amazing. She was just pure evil. I think a problem Marvel has with its villains. Is. They keep trying to make the villains sympathetic. You know, they want us to see where the villains are coming from and. And almost side with them, like thous for example. But what made Heela so special issues, just an evil B. An evil bad-ass B. And that was just so fun to watch you need those. You need those bad guys that are just there to be bad. That's it. There's no other reason. For them being there. I feel like Tyco, it just went up to Jeff Goldbloom and he was like, yeah, bro. Just be yourself, just act normal. So he wasn't even acting that to me is who Jeff CLU. Global Goldbloom is the Grandmaster perfect. Tessa Thompson is Valkyrie is so good. Just. Bad-ass. Kick ass. Also really emotional, the reason why she didn't want to leave. Um, so the car was so heart-wrenching. You have cork. Hey man, it's me cook. Cork is so funny. I love cork. Kirk has gotta be the funniest character. In the history of comp films, I dunno, via He's he's definitely the funniest character in the MCU. There's so many best in MCU things I'm referencing this up. So that's how good Ragnarok was. Heimdall. I just have a man. I wish you were James Bond, but at least we got you as hi, I'm Dell. He's so good. I'm Dale was like keeping all the people of Asgard safe while Thor was trapped in soccer. Because if you remember in the beginning of the film, Um, Ode and show, oh, S sorry. I forgot Dr. Strangers in this film too, in the beginning because Thor and Loki come in. Uh, to. Uh, get out and, and bring it back. Cause low-key kind of banished Jim to earth and Thor didn't know that when he found out he kicked Loki's ass. And went to go get him. And took him to Odin. To go bring them back. But I was like, nah, dog. I chose to stay here. I'm ready to die. I want to see my wife again. I just. So SAP. And then Odin dies. And Thor's about to just beat the living hell out of Loki when. Keela comes up. Then Thor throws a hammer at healer. And this is, uh, a scene. I think a lot of people will remember. our hammer at healer. She grabs it. She grabs me yarn. The on year, she grabs the thing and just like squishes it and the thing shatters. Crazy. That's how. That's her introduction into the world. Just. Destroys a, an, an, an indestructable. Hammer. Then they go through the portal. Uh, and they. Loki gets knocked out of the portal first and Thor it after. And then. They're on Sakaar Hilos on Asgard Heela kills a warriors three, then. Um, She goes and takes over Asgard. And while she's there, I'm, Dell's keeping all the people of Asgard safe. There. That's a story. That's where we're at. While on Sakaar you have the Grandmaster, Thor goes. Thor gets his haircut is like, please do. Cut my hair. Because he's captured because Valkyrie puts a thing in his neck and makes it that he can't run away. Cause obviously you assume thought. It would just destroy everybody right now with the, the thing that, um, Valkyrie put his neck he's trapped. So he gets dropped in this. In this arena and there's this legendary line where he sees Hawk. Hawk is a grand masters champion. They have to fight. He sees hall. He's like, oh, it's my friend from work fun fact, a kid came up with that line. I don't know if it was a contest or something, but it wasn't anyone else, but just some random line this kid said for, for Chris Hemsworth to say, and it just worked. Everyone loved it. Oh, by the way, Hawk is so funny. You're a bad friend. Oh, He's so good. Eventually they get back to Asgard. And he was just unstoppable. Like she's so Oop. Thor realizes he, she like. Pulls out his eye. She pulls out his eye. And Thor realize in the Thor has this thing where he's like, he goes into this other realm and he talks to his father, I guess it's like the. Valhalla. He talks his father and his father tells him. Thor. Asgard is not. Uh, place it's a people. Then that's when Thor realizes. He has to take Asgard out.'cause Heela draws her power from asker. So what he does is he brings Ragnar rock. Ask her gets blown up. And they escaped because he was dead. Then you have them sitting at the throne. With all the POV Asgard, and they go to. They ended up going to Norway because that's where Odin said that they should go. So authority decides to take them there, but guess what happens? After credit scene. Fennel shows up. And as we know an end game. It does not go well for them. But we'll get into that when we watch. Avengers, infinity war. For those of you that are new to the pod? I have watched 17 Marvel movies. That's right. I've been going to the very beginning of the MCU. And ranking everything weekly. Because I did an original ranking before I did this. The based on memory and how I felt about everything. And now I'm doing a weekly ranking when everything's fresh. To see how things change, you know? Cause there can be a problem. You know, you might prop things up in your head or think things are better or worse at the time. Like for example, Hawk is way better than I remember. So, let me tell you all where the rankings are as we speak. I want to start from the very beginning. Or the very end. And then we'll see where Ragnar rock ends up. Number 17. Ironman three. Number 16. Thor dark world. Number 15. Ironman too. Number 14 ant man. Number 13 Thor, one. Number 12. The Hawk. Yeah, that's right. I told you the Hawk was up there. Number 11 Spider-Man homecoming. Now we're in our top 10. Number 10 guardians of the galaxy volume, two. Number nine. Ironman one. Number eight. Avengers age of Ultron. Number seven, Dr. Strange. Number six. Captain America first Avenger. Now we are coming into our top five. These, these. Like he's barking now. These movies. Chef's kiss. Number five is guardians of the galaxy. Volume one. Number four. Is the first Avengers film. Ooh. Now I want to do a little something different this week. We have three films left. Winter soldier, Ragnarok and civil war. Yes right to captain America films and our top three. So. What do you think is the number one film? I'm going to give you a second. See if you can guess it. Alright. Let's get to it. Number three is winter soldier. Yeah, that's right. So our last two films are Ragnar rock and civil war. So who's number one. Our number one MCU film so far is captain America, civil war. That means the latest film we saw Thor. Uh, Ragnar rock comes in at number two. Phase three is just full of bangers. I cannot wait. To go over black Panther with you next week. My name is mark savvy of savvy geeks, and I'll see you then.