Savvy Geeks

NU-Musings Episode 92: Celebrating Star Wars

Marc Savvy

Happy Star Wars Day everyone!

just a super positive episode about everything i love about the franchise

New Episode every week.

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CB = ComicBook related entertainment 
NU = Everything else
Special! = Is longer than a usual episode.

May the fourth be with you all happy star wars day, everybody. Talking star wars. We will. Ah, damn it. Carmen every time I try to do it, Yoda it's Kermit, but you get the idea. We're going to talk some star wars. And we're only going to focus on what I love about the franchise, because, Hey, it's a celebration of star wars. So let's talk about what we love about the franchise. I love the TV side of the star wars universe. I think they're doing a great job. Uh, soca. If you've seen my previous episodes, I've said nothing but good things about it. You're going to call me crazy for this, but I actually haven't seen and, or yet, I don't know why, I guess, because I want to see rogue one first and I haven't gotten around to watching that movie yet. But I hear Andorra is peak star wars. if you ask me. I think star wars is strongest in its TV properties because yeah, the O G movies are like all timers. Everybody loves them. I, but I think from that point on. People didn't connect with the movies as much. But the TV shows were just awesome. Everybody loves clone wars. rebels is the one I started watching preparation for a soca, so good. The mental Lorene, the, for the Mandalorian is almost like what Ironman was to the MCU, but on the TV side of these live action shows. And what I mean by that is a kind of like peaked interest in the Disney plus star wars universe. Because it was just so good. And baby Yoda was such a big deal. Everybody loves the. The tours are flying off the shelf. So they saw dollar signs and they're like, we need more of this. So from there you spawned. Boba Fett, which, okay. I get it. Wasn't the best, but I really liked it. Still. You got Bubba fat, you got a soca. You got Kenobi. Um, there's skeleton crew. Uh, I think isn't a recent one. I saw, I just saw a trailer for the acolyte. The acolyte looks so sick. It's the latest star wars TV show coming out. It comes out, I think June, beginning of June, June 4th, I think to episode premiere. That show takes place. I believe it's at the end of the high Republic era, which is when there were Jedi's everywhere. It's the height of the Jedi powers. Because everything we've seen of the Jedi's, they've kind of been extinct, which if you ask me it's it sucks. Like the Jedi is where my favorite part about star wars. Why are they so like obscure? I guess the whole point is you have the, what happened in. The end of the prequel children and they all got wiped out in the. You had to do that whole thing where the bad guys won, they took over the universe and then the rebels come, they start to fight back, blah, blah, blah, which was where we are in the OT. Trelegy. I get it fine. But I just wish we came back to the higher Republic era kind of Jedi, where we saw just, or maybe there were just more jetties, you know, I don't know. I just miss jeopardize. They're my favorite part of the universe. And that's why I'm so excited for the acolyte. At the end of the accolade trail, just to show you like. How big of a deal. It is. At the end of the accolade trailer, some guy shows up with a red light saber, which we all know represents the Sith. Right. But the guy's like, what are you. The sit there practically extinct at that point. So they've been extinct for generations and these guys don't know what a set is. I just think that's cool. Cause you gotta think like I'm, I'm basically a star wars newb. I don't have the knowledge that a lot of these like hardcore experts have. So when I watch something I'm watching it fresh. With no background. And to me, that's just cool. I just want to see more Jedi I'm want to see more lightsaber fights. I would like it to be. I, it seems like there's always one of them extinct, like. It's almost cyclical. If you ask me what my favorite thing. About star wars has been. In the last, like 10 years, I'd probably have to say the games though. Jedi fallen order and Jedi survivor are so much. Fun. I love them. Jedi fallen order came out in 2019. So you haven't played it yet. It's still a good game. It's not like outdated. Go check out. Even if you don't like star wars, it's just really fun to play. Who doesn't like throwing around a lightsaber, right? Then you have Jedi survivor, which came on, I think last year. Awesome game. I guess I shouldn't say that. It's my favorite. It's hard for me to definitively pick a favorite. Now I think of it, but I would say it belongs in a tier of my favorite star wars stuff. I would put a soca in there. I would put. Kenobi in there. I'm sorry. I loved Kenobi. I know there's a lot of people that didn't, I. I loved it. I thought it was so emotionally impactful, especially at the end. When Kenobi goes to fight Darth Vader and he's like, I am not your failure. OB one. You did not cure and akin. I did. And then like the lights, the weight shifts from blue to red. And then Kenobi is like, He's like in tears. Right. And he's so emotional. And he says, then my friend is truly dead and then have that final fight and then they get out. He gets away. I mean, So good. Oh, that alone is one of my favorite star wars. Fight scenes ever. Just the emotional impact, the lighting. The action. Ah, so sick. I want to see more of Riva too. I want to end off by saying who my favorite. Star wars character is. And then I want you to let me know in the comments who your favorite character is. Well, I'm wearing the shirt right now. I'm going to tell you it's Darth Vader. Yeah, Darth. Vader's my fav. Or one of the, I dunno, there's so many. Yeah. I really like OB one. As a kid, my favorite was quad gone. Even tried to grow a rod tail, but my mom made me cut it off. Yeah. So, I guess you could say Yoda. Darth Vader, OB one. Are my favorites. And my most prized possession of star wars. Is I had these big Harry Rosen books. Of, I think there were, there were like images from the filming process and the. The history of the star wars films, like each trilogy, the sequel and the prequel trilogy. Or sorry, the old gene, the pre-qual chilled, Jeremy. So, what I did is I got the prequel trilogy book and I went to fan expo. I met Hayden Christiansen. He's Darth Vader. And he signed the book for me. It was so funny. Like he tried to push, it was like, oh, it's heavy. He seemed like a really nice guy. He's a little tired. You could tell, but he's been signing stuff all day. I hope you all enjoy your star wars day. Remember people it's star wars day. Go enjoy yourself. Watch your favorite movie or show play your favorite game. Celebrate. And may the force be with you?