Savvy Geeks

NU-Musings Episode 89: Fallin' 4 Fallout

Marc Savvy Season 4


A solid first season for the Fallout tv show on prime.

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One thing you have to wonder is have we reached the golden era of video game? Movie TV. Properties or has there ever even really been a golden era? Because up until recently, I want to say we haven't had really good transitions from video games to the screen. Let me know what you think in the comments. But you got to at least admit over the last couple of years. It's been a really solid run of video game adaptations. You had uncharted the Mario bros movie halo delay, in my opinion, the best of them all the last of us. And that trend continues with the fallout TV series, which is what we're here to talk about today. I love this show. It was futuristic, but it felt like it was in the sixties. I got to admit all those other things I listed. I played all those games and I love them. I never actually played fallout. So, if you have played follow, please let me know in the comments. What you thought of it? is it faithful to the game? I'd love to know. If I was a avid followup player. And it wasn't faithful to the game, but it was still a good show. I still would have loved it. My understanding of this show though, is it's Canon to the games. So anything that's happened in the video games? Is cannon and it all. Happened in this TV show. So it's not like you. You played the games and then this is just another world, right? And a lot of those things we've, I've listed earlier. A lot of those. Video game adaptations. It's like kind of starting again. Right. But this is the video games or cannon. And the TV show is Ken all in the same universe, which I thought was really cool. One of the executive producers. Of fallout, who, uh, I believe direct to the first couple episodes is Jonathan Nolan. That guy never misses. He wrote the dark Knight trilogy with his brother, Chris, which is another strange thing to me because Christopher Nolan has a British accent, but Jonathan Nolan doesn't. So I wonder what's up with that. Like w. How does that happen? I don't know. He's just, he's so good though. Like for real, the guy's batting a thousand. I have to see persons of interest because if it's at all as good as follow was, or the dark Knight trilogy, he even did memento. It's gotta be an amazing. I have to watch persons of interest after seeing followed. I definitely know I wanted to, I, the one thing I'll say though, I don't. I could be reading this wrong, but I don't believe he. Wrote the whole thing. I think he seemed like more of like an executive on it. I don't know. It's hard. I don't know how hands-on he was, but he was being interviewed for it. So he's gotta be pretty hands-on right. I just go on. I am DB. It's not like I have access to these people. So I go on IMDP and I see where the credits are. Now for those of you who haven't seen the show, I'm going to keep this spoiler free. I want people to come here and be able to. Here my thoughts of the show without having anything ruined. All right. Cool. We in agreement. That's a good thing too. Well, you can't talk to me back, so yeah, I'm just gonna assume you think it's awesome. My loyal listeners. I want to let you know, though, there are eight episodes. I think they're about an hour long if I remember correctly. So they're long episodes. The timelines can be a little confusing. That's what I want to say without spoiling anything. I don't know. Maybe it's just me that struggled with it. At the end, I kind of was able to figure out what time, cause it takes place over. 200 plus years, basically. And there's a lot of timelines that you kind of have to understand. Well, there's two main timelines, but there's other things that are intertwined with it that I got kind of confusing for me. I was captivated though. I got to say. There was a level of gore and humor that I thought was so unique. I w I get, I wonder if that's a hallmark of the games. I'd love to know if you've played the games. Please let me know if that's true. If you were to ask me who I thought the standouts. Of this show was I'd say. Walter Coggins who played. The Google. He's probably number one. I think the goal drove the whole story. You'll see him, he's got a messed up face. He's in the trailers and everything. He was. Kind of like, The spine of the show. That's what I would say. Maximus who's played by Aaron Clifton Moten. I don't really know him as an actor, but he had exceptional performance. Ella personnel. Who is the lead? She played Lucy. I would say she was a very, very well done exceptional character. Her brother, norm really good too. Her father Hank. Amazing for, you know how it's talking about person of interest as a show. I want to watch. Well, the lead of that show is Michael Emerson, who I know is Ben from last he's in this show is Siggy. Really good character too. For those of you who have watched Superstore. Johnny Pemberton plays Thaddeus and he is hilarious. Loved him. Of all these people though, the ghoul. His first he's I, you know, I shouldn't say first. They're all exceptional in their own way. But the goal for me was my personal favorite. I think, depending on which storyline you liked, you'll have a different favorite. One thing I wonder. Uh, should you read up on the games before you watch the show? I'm going to say. No. But maybe read up on the games after you've watched the show because you don't want to have something accidentally spoiled because when I read some articles after there were some spoilers for the show, kind of slipped in there. Without spoiler. Uh, warnings. So you've got to be careful about that. I gave a spoiler warning in my show. So some articles they don't. Most of them offer that courtesy, but it could be the odd one where they don't. And there's some big twists in the show that you do not want to have ruined. Stuff that. It kind of calls back to the beginning. That even if you're a video game player, it will be a big twist for you. Highly recommended. You have to see fall out. I would say the last of us is probably still. You know what, honestly, I don't know. I really loved following. I don't know which one I like better. The last of us are followed, but they're both like, Really really well done. And who knows, maybe Hale is up there too. I haven't seen the second season yet though, so I can't really speak to that. If I'm talking about the elements of the show itself. That I enjoyed the most personally. I would say. The humor, the sixties feel in a cyber punk landscape. I really enjoyed the acting. Everyone did a really good job. The gore. I didn't like to be honest, but that's not a. That's not like a indictment on the show. I'm just not someone who likes to see. That level of gore, it's not bad. It's just a personal preference thing. I love the vault. The Vault's like every time we're in the vaults and we got that whole dynamic, that was amazing. The show at heart. And it had humor and those are for me building blocks of any property. If I really want to like it, you should go see it. It's worth your time. It definitely was worth my. All episodes streaming on prime video.