Savvy Geeks

CB-Musings Episode 86: Iron Man Legacy

Marc Savvy Season 4

Going back to the beginning 

Of the MCU!

The time is nigh for Iron Man in his last solo movie...

Movie #7 is Iron Man 3(2013)

New Episode every week.

Socials: @SavvyGeeksPodcast

CB = ComicBook related entertainment 
NU = Everything else
Special! = Is longer than a usual episode.

What's up every buddy, we are now at the start of phase two. That is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 movies into the MCU rewatch. What is it that kicks off phase two. Do you remember? Well, if you don't, I'll tell you right now. It is iron man three. The final Ironman movie in the trilogy. Before I even get into watching these films, I want to tell you all where my head space is at. I have a memory of vivid memory, I guess you could say. Of these films being ass. That's just my full disclosure. I thought the first two films that kicked off phase two were ass. And. I in speaking of iron man three in particular. I got to say I was wrong. Maybe it's just one of those things. It's like, With the even Madame web, which wasn't as bad as everyone said it was it wasn't great, but it wasn't that bad. But with this movie in particular. Maybe just people started like shedding on it and you kind of like. You pile on it's like that negative, like all it's all shit on it. Together. I don't know. I think it's a great way. It's a good thing about rewatching, the MCs. Um, I'm going fresh. Everything's going to be fresh in my mind. I'm re ranking everything. As I watch it. Like your weekly power rankings, I guess you could call it. Ironman three. Wasn't that bad at all. I had a really great time watching it. It had a budget of, and you know, what speak before we get to the budget? I think if not only did I like it, I have a feeling, a lot of people liked it. Cause this movie crushed it at the box office. I can't believe they didn't do more Ironman. I better just because Robert Downey Jr. Wasn't down, he seemed like. I don't want to say he wasn't appreciative of what it brought him. Cause it definitely feels that way, but I feel like he was ready to move on. Like he didn't want to just pump out these movies. Keep doing them forever. He wanted to challenge himself and do new things, which you got to respect. The guy's a legend. He's earned the right to do whatever he wants. He started the MCU, he saved comic book movies. If he wants to just do three Ironman movies, a couple of vendors and peace out, he has every right to do that. The F, I could see if studios wanted to push for him to do a fourth one. Because this movie on a$200 million budget made. Over a billion dollars. Yeah. The 200 million us budget box office. 1.2, one 5 billion. Let's amid 1,000,000,200 and$15 million at the box office, which is a$1 billion profit. Wow. King, the name is Robert Downey. If captain America first Avenger won me over immediately just by sheer awesomeness. I got to say, iron man three won me over immediately. By sheer awesomeness. Of the opening song. Eiffel 65 by blue. And it was blue, but I feel 65. Excuse my memory. I cannot believe that was the answer. I totally forgot that it was that movie was my childhood. So listen up, here's a story. Uh, but a little blue man. And all Danno. But there was all my subscribers. Um, but. Uh, blue. I'm sorry. I just love it. So it's a lit song. I don't know if a lot of people remember this, but there was this. At Tony Stark's funeral in the end of, at the end of end game. There was one cave was kind of there, but who wasn't a superhero or wasn't part of the wasn't involved in the film leading up to that. Just some random kid was there. That kid was in this film. Harvey. Keener's his name? He was so good in this movie. Like I love re re re William. She's great. She loved her and Wakanda forever. Awesome. But how has Harvey keener not Ironman. R I in lad, whatever. How does this kid not? Does the actor and I want to play him the recast and who gives a shit? Harvey. Keener is perfectly set up to replace Tony stark. Are you kidding me? Like what's going on. I read somewhere that they're focusing on their bigger, I guess, properties going forward in the MCU. Why don't you automatically do that? If anything, these side smaller characters should be getting the TV shows. Ah, it's just so dumb. They're lost, honestly. So law's Harvey keener was great in this film. He was hilarious. He was adorable. He had a heartwarming scenes, like at the end when Tony like souped up his lab, like shit, man. That just set him up to be like, A mentor for this kid for the next, like several years, you can even do a. Uh, Harvey keener like limited series with. Tony stark. Robert Downey Jr. Returning in a guest role. To help guide this kid on. So he's like, Setting up his successor in the MCU almost. Why is Ironheart his successor? Why that makes no sense. Yeah, she's cool. A great character. Have her be her own thing. There's no established connection. She has with Tony stark. They've never shared any screen time. Harvey keener is the perfect. Iron man. This movie really showcased Robert Downey Jr. Is acting chops. Do the way he dealt with the PTSD from. The battle of New York and the PR, which was an Avengers of previous movie, he, he was like really upset and, and trying to process his anxiety and dealing with all that. Like the film is him narrating himself. Who you discovered the Anna's talking to mark roughly. This was also the first appearance of a, the Mandarin, the fake Mandarin. The actor who played the Mandarin bang Kingsley, who ended up being Trevor Slater. He not the Mandarin. He was hilarious and shonky, and he was great in this film. Like excellent actor, no problems. But I really feel like the MCU disrespected, the Mandarin is in one film and then he dies and he's an iron man three and he ended up being fake. Like the 10 rings. We're totally butchered in the Ironman trilogy. I thought Ironman three was like, captain Marvel wonder woman, 1984 level. Like I thought it was like lower echelon film, but it was, it was definitely better than that more mid tier is what I would say. When he busts him before he discovers the Mandarin was fake. This is up there with one of the funniest scenes I've seen an MCU. He points. His like gauntlet at the guy or gun, whatever it is at one of the henchmen of the Mandarin and the guy just like he drops his gun and he walks away. He's like, honestly, I hate working here. They are so weird. I was fine, then he just like runs away. So good. Fun fact. Jenna Ortega was in the, she must have been like 10. She played the Vice-President's daughter was missing her legs. Because the whole thing is like this guy. Create a serum that like grew people's limbs back, but also made them like crazy and potentially explode. It was a good film. We had a really good villain villain, all judge Kilian, Gwyneth Paltrow. Wasn't really utilized as much. Don Cheetos, James Rhodes was pretty solid. Happy Hogan. He was gone pretty early, but like overall, like they were. It was well done. Solid movie. No complaints. About it. W what can you, what do you really expect out of these films? I would gladly pay to go see this in theaters. The strength of this film was. RD Jay's acting Harvey. Keeners heart. Aldrich Killian's kind of villain backstory. And the overall theme of legacy and what you leave behind. Those were the best parts of this film. The action was. Pretty good at the end of the big boss fight. That was great. Now the question is. Where does it rank and our MCU power rankings. Should I call it powering these avocado rankings or. Whatever. We'll see. Right now it's in last place at seventh. So that means. It's the worst one I've seen so far, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It's just the strength of the other things we've seen so far. So we have. The Avengers in one. Captain America and two. Ironman in three. The hall can forth. Thoren fifth. Then you have Ironman two. And sixth and Ironman three in seventh. The unfortunate thing is there will not be another Ironman movie to come across on this list. That was it at the end of the trilogy, the end of the first trilogy. The birth of the whole thing. And I got show appreciation for Ironman. Love you.